100% Off Udemy Coupon Code How to Hack a Web Application Security Practices Free Course: Udemy free online courses with certificates. This course focuses on securing web applications and testing their vulnerabilities. It is suitable for anyone interested in web development. We will start with the fundamentals of web development, followed by methods for gathering information about potential attack targets. Next, we will explore how to bypass input restrictions and validations. Finally, we will learn techniques to secure web applications against bypass attempts.
How to Hack a Web Application Security Practices Free Course

We will discuss various types of attacks, including Query String Attacks, Cookie Attacks, Hidden Field Attacks, URL Jumping Attacks, and CSRF Attacks. We will also cover how Session Hijacking can be employed to steal user identities. Additionally, we will explore XSS Attacks and how they can be utilized to steal cookies, display ads, or execute phishing schemes, as well as SQL Injection attacks, which can compromise the database of a web application.
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Learn About:
- Understand the fundamental concepts of web security
- Identify and classify web application vulnerabilities
- Perform manual and automated web security testing
- Apply web security testing tools and methodologies
- Find all subdomains associated with a website.
- Discover servers, technologies & services used on the target website.
- Exploit Common Web vulnerabilities
- Other Resources For Growing Skills
- If you are a hacker or tester you don’t need to have any background, I will teach you everything
- If you are a developer you need to know how to write a Web app you will need a computer running Microsoft Windows, Linux, or a Mac running OS X.