Protect Your PC against the NotPetya Cyber Attack Free Course Alison: Learn about the latest cyber-weapon attack, NotPetya, and how to protect yourself against a cyber-attack. This free online cyber security course will teach you everything about the NotPetya Cyber Attack. NotPetya was first identified on June the 27th 2017 and assumed to be ransomware. This course will teach you how NotPetya functions, how to avoid falling victim to it, and why NotPetya has been classified as a cyber weapon. You will also learn about EternalBlue and its role in creating WannaCry, Petya, and NotPetya.

Protect Your PC against the NotPetya Cyber Attack Free Course
Protect Your PC against the NotPetya Cyber Attack Free Course

Learn About:

  • Recognise what Petya is
  • Identify where the majority of NotPetya attacks took place
  • Explain the purpose of the Windows tool CHKDSK
  • Define ransomware
  • Identify who developed the EternalBlue exploit and who leaked the EternalBlue exploit
    Explain what SMB stands for
  • Discuss the differences between Petya and NotPetya
  • Identify the different methods NotPetya uses to gain access to your system, as well as
  • what NotPetya does to your computer system
  • Recognize the preventive measures for avoiding a NotPetya attack, as well as what to do following a NotPetya attack

Protect Your PC against the NotPetya Cyber Attack Free Course Alison

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