100% Off Udemy Course Coupon Code SQLite For Beginners Learn SQL from Scratch Course Free: Learn how to manipulate data & tables in this popular serverless database management system in this SQLite Database Tutorial. SQLite can easily be summed up in three simple words – small, fast, and reliable. Databases play an important role in programming and development, allowing users to store and recall data as they see fit. While other databases work along with separate server processes, SQLite simplifies the process of integrating seamlessly into the program by working as a serverless database.
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SQL is currently the most used database and has become a popular embedded database software for web browsers, operating systems as well as mobile phones. SQLite is a popular embedded database software for embedded systems and was created by D. Richard Hipp in 2000 for aboard guided-missile destroyers. This database was designed to allow the program to be operated without installing a database management system or requiring a database administrator.
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Learn About:
- Introduction to Database and RDBMS
- SQLite Commands and Datatypes
- Constraints Joins and Subqueries