100% Off Udemy Course Coupon Code WIFI Hacking and Wireless Penetration Testing Online Course Free: WEP, WPA/WPA2, WPS Cracking, Wifi Recon & Password cracking. Learn how to hack Wi-Fi from a real-world penetration tester. Best wifi hacking course free on Udemy. Welcome to my Wi-Fi Hacking and Penetration Testing
Ethical hacking is a whole new technology in itself—Udemy free online courses with certificates. The techniques of hacking are rapidly growing in numbers with hackers every day coming up with new ideas to steal our data. One such widely preferred way of hacking is Wi-Fi hacking.
Related: Best WiFi Hacking Tools For Windows And Linux
Learn WIFI Hacking and Wireless Penetration Testing Free with Udemy Course

Wi-Fi hacking is easier than hacking a device connected to that WiFi. Many free tools can hack the less secure WiFi router. Apart from this, there are also advanced tools that work on backtrack and can even hack high-security Wi-Fi routers.
In this course, you will learn how to crack the key and get the password to WiFi networks whether they use WEP, WPA, or even WPA2. While learning to hack ethically, you will also learn how to secure networks from hackers.
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Learn About:
- Setting Up The Laboratory
- Install Kali Linux – a penetration-testing operating system
- Wi-Fi Adapter Settings
- Wi-Fi Network Fundamentals, IEEE 802.11
- Basic Terminologies & Concepts
- Wireless Operating Modes: Ad-hoc, Infrastructure, Monitor modes.
- Wireless Packet Types
- MAC Frame Structure
- Wi-Fi Adapter
- 4 GB (Gigabytes) of RAM or higher (8 GB recommended)
- The 64-bit system processor is mandatory
- 10 GB or more disk space
- Enable virtualization technology on BIOS settings, such as “Intel-VTx”
- All items referenced in this course are Free